Antonietta Covino-Beehre is conducting the following printmaking courses and workshops over the coming months.
For enrolements and enquiries please make contact with the course / workshop coordinator.
The Silk Cut Print Room - The Woodcut Workshop
The Woodcut Workshop - 2 day sessions (10 hours).
Wednesday 1 & 8 June 2016.
The Woodcut is a relief printmaking process. It is one of the simplest and oldest techniques to date that artist’s today employ in the work for its unique graphical qualities.
The Beginners Workshop is open to anybody interested in learning how to create woodcuts. No prior experience in printmaking is required.
Antonietta will teach you and guide you through:
- The variable types of wood matrixes that can be used for woodcutting
- The correct use of wood cutting tools
- A variety of printmaking approaches from surface preparation, and block cutting to a variety of printing applications
- This course will cover a range of techniques, which include:
- Introduction to wood cut printing
- Developing an understanding of the different types woods that can be utilised for this technique
- Learn how to print woodcuts using an etching press as well as hand printing techniques
- Learn a range of printmaking terminologies as well as how to correctly sign and edition a set of prints
- Gain valuable advice on other similar methods of woodcut printmaking and acquire an understanding in the most cost effective & appropriate tools, paper & inks to use for this process.
Bonus!! Participants receive Silk Cut Lino gift bag!
For course registration details contact:
The Silk Cut Print Room
Address: 38 Wannan Street, Highett VIC 3190
Phone: (03) 9555 8299
Website: https://silkcutlinorevamp.worldsecuresystems.com
The Silk Cut Print Room - Drypoint & Carborundum Techniques with metal plates Workshop
Drypoint & Carborundum Techniques with metal plates Workshop 2 day sessions (10 hours).
Wednesday 18 & 25 May 2016.
Welcome to the world of Drypoint and Carborundum printmaking. This is the simplest and direct approach to the intaglio process without the use of etchants.
This is a introductory workshop to this intaglio printing method and is suitable for beginners or those who would like a refresher in the technique. No prior experience in printmaking is required.
Antonietta will teach you and guide you through:
- All about the tools and materials required to get started in this process
- A variety of plate and inking possibilities
- The different types of paper that can be used for this process
- How to consider all elements of line, colour and texture through this technique
This course will cover a range of techniques, which include:
- Intaglio techniques using drypoint tools and concept of building tone and texture through the use of carborundum
- Learning to print and set up an using an etching press
- Utilising various conventional drawing techniques to create images
- Non-acid plate making techniques
- The care of tools and the use of unconventional tools that can be utilised by this method
- Gain valuable advice on the most cost effective & appropriate tools, paper & inks to use
- Learn a range of printmaking terminologies as well as how to correctly sign and edition a set of prints
Bonus!! Participants receive Silk Cut Lino gift bag!
For course registration details contact:
The Silk Cut Print Room
Address: 38 Wannan Street, Highett VIC 3190
Phone: (03) 9555 8299
Website: https://silkcutlinorevamp.worldsecuresystems.com
The Silk Cut Print Room - Collagraphs Workshop
Collagraphs Workshops, 2 day sessions (10 hours).
Wednesday 4 & 11 May 2016.
Wednesday 15 & 22 June 2016.
Collagraphs have infinite possibilities. It is a challenging form of printmaking consisting in the use of collage and mark making. This two-day workshop will highlight the impressiveness of the medium by using basic materials to create inspiring images.
This is an introductory workshop in understanding and creating collagraphs. It is open to everyone. No prior experience in printmaking is required.
Antonietta will teach you and guide you through:
- All the tools and materials required to get started
- The collage and mark making process of creating a stable plate
- A variety of printing approaches and concepts: from the relief to the intaglio options
This course will cover a range of techniques, which include:
- Basic plate making techniques
- Develop an understanding of this print making medium, the materials and equipment used in printmaking
- Learn how to develop mark making techniques with the use of layers, texture, tone and line
- Learn a range of inking and printing processes
- Learn about colour mixing applications with water based and oil based inks
- Learn a range of printmaking terminologies and the correct way to sign and edition a set of prints
Bonus!! Participants receive Silk Cut Lino gift bag!
For course registration details contact:
The Silk Cut Print Room
Address: 38 Wannan Street, Highett VIC 3190
Phone: (03) 9555 8299
Website: https://silkcutlinorevamp.worldsecuresystems.com
Rings Road Art Studio - Printmaking for Beginners
Printmaking for Beginners – 8 week course. Commencing Saturday 16 April and continues through to 4 June 2016.
In this 8 week course, students will be guided through the basic foundations of printmaking. Via practical demonstrations, students will experiment with lino and woodblock printing techniques, ways of etching and working with copper, monotype prints, and experiment with colour reduction. The course allows students to create their own limited edition set of artist prints created with a method of their choosing, as well as develop a portfolio of experiments demonstrating their knowledge in the different ways of printing, and image reproduction. The course will encourage students to conduct visual and technical investigation of the aesthetic possibilities offered by the printmaking process itself.
For course registration details contact Rings Road Art Studio:
Studio Address: 1 Rings Road, Moorabbin 3189
Phone: (03) 9553 5536
Website: http://www.ringsroadartstudio.com.au
Rings Road Art Studio - Drawing and Painting for Juniors 8-12 Years
Drawing and Painting for Juniors 8-12 years – 9 week course. Commencing Tuesday 12 April and continues through to 7 June 2016.
This ongoing art course for young people will focus on learning the fundamental aspects and principles of art making. This ongoing art course aims to provide a fun and friendly environment whilst exploring techniques of basic drawing and painting. Classes will also promote confidence and individual expression, and allow students to experiment with different mediums. Media used will include: pencil; charcoal and compressed charcoal; soft and hard dry pastel; oil pastel; pen and wash; ink; watercolour, acrylic and oil paints; collage; mixed media; clay; and basic printing tools such as drypoint and mono printing.
The juniors’ course can be ongoing and provide a pathway into the school’s Folio Preparation classes.
For course registration details contact Rings Road Art Studio:
Studio Address: 1 Rings Road, Moorabbin 3189
Phone: (03) 9553 5536
Website: http://www.ringsroadartstudio.com.au
Rings Road Art Studio - Silk Cut Award 2015 for Linocut Prints Finalists